"Men are
evil" states Dr. Rosenstein. "They use women for sex and they destroy the
earth." |

Vibrators and Artificial
Insemination Mark the End of the Era of Man |

Professor Angela Rosenstein of the University of California. Professor Rosenstein's book
"The End of Man" has taken the academic world by storm.
"Women are now
well woven into the business and political fabric of the world. It is the new era of the
human female. It is the end of the tyranny of Man."
-Dr. Rosenstein |
CN. San Francisco, CA. Most of her colleague's
felt it was an idea for publication that would never come to pass, but Doctor Angela
Rosenstein was being absolutely honest and passionate about her vision of the future. She
composed a well documented text that many now believe marks the 'End of Man.' |

One of many posters from the militant feminist group, Females Forever Coalition,
found on many universities throughout the United States. This poster was found at the
Student Union at the University of Cincinnati. |
Dr. Rosenstein envisions a future world where the earth is
ruled by compassion; not greed. "Men are evil" states Dr. Rosenstein. "They
use women for sex and they destroy the earth. They are ticks on the buttocks of the
planet. Women are now well woven into the business and political fabric of the world. It
is the new era of the human female. It is the end of the tyranny of Man." |

Women from all walks of life are teaming up for the "Female
Revolution." |
Dr. Rosenstein's book states "throughout human evolution,
man has only been needed for sperm and his ability to give shelter and food while the
female conducted her 24 hour a day caring of her very fragile offspring. Our evolution has
now entered a new epoch. Man is no longer needed for shelter and food. Women are quite
capable of these basic necessities. Although support is a great help during the first few
weeks after the woman gives birth, a few weeks of support is no reason to have to put up
with a man for an entire lifetime." |
groups are being organized around the USA to combat the revolutionary female
organizations. One men's group, that call themselves "Hell No, We Won't Go",
stated to CN, "women might be able to manipulate us, but they're not gonna kill
us." |
Jean Morrsion, sociologist at Columbia University, believes Dr.
Rosenstein's female manifesto is more than just a true statement of what's in store for
human evolution. Morrison believes that Rosenstein has hit upon the answer to biblical
creationism. In a CN interview, Morrison stated: "humans are the great riddle of this
planet. How did we come about? And how did we come into being in such a short period of
time? It's now obvious that biblical creationism might have been straight fact and not
fiction. God or some extraterrestrial power might very well have created man. And then
woman might of been created to please man. Our nature certainly speaks of 'sin', so God
probably, just like it states in the first book of the Holy Bible, made man work by his
own sweat and made women feel the agony of childbirth. Now we see the next chapter in
creationism being born. Science is now God. Science will create woman. Woman will only
allow man to be created if it pleases her." CN then asked Morrison what men would
be created for. "For pleasure units", stated Morrison, "probably the same
reason females were originally created. Of course, the original plan might of been for a
more mutually exclusive reason, although we'll never know for sure." CN asked
Morrison where the men would be kept. "Maybe somewhere in Nevada. Sort of a Mustang
Ranch for women. We would give the men tools and cars to play with. Maybe some TVs that
constantly show sporting events. That all they need anyway." |
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